
Subgroup Size

Small Group


45 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Activity created by Dr. Kris Acheson-Clair, CILMAR, Purdue University, and Dr. Pamela K. Sari, Director of the Purdue Asian American and Asian Resource Cultural Center (AAARCC), Purdue University, based on the following:


Yeo, H.J.T, Mendenhall, R., Harwood, S.A., & Huntt, M.B. (2019). Asian international student and Asian American student: Mistaken identity and racial microaggressions. Journal of International Students, 9(1), 39-65.

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  1. User krisacheson's profile picture krisacheson 2:46 am 03 November 2020

    I did this activity recently with staff in a virtual environment and it worked very well. I would say that the time estimate is conservative. You might be able to do it in 45 minutes with a small group and only if they were thoroughly familiar with the reading beforehand. We had 60 minutes and were wishing for more because the group was so engaged and talkative. I would especially recommend the activity for frontline workers in the higher education context - advisors and other staff in contact with students. My recent participants indicated that they found the activity very helpful for developing cultural humility and becoming more aware of the microaggressions that Asians and Asian Americans experience. What we didn't have as much time for, and what they were really longing to talk more about, was more on what to do when they witness these phenomena.