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Re-envisioning the Italian Curriculum through Active Learning and Literacy

By Annalisa Mosca

Purdue University

The article discusses the relationship between Literacy Active Learning, and Intercultural Competence, known also as Global Competence or Translingual Competence providing concrete examples of integration.

Listed in Publications

Version 1.0 - published on 14 Sep 2021

Licensed under CC0 - Creative Commons


From the journal's introduction:

Mosca (Purdue University) in her paper titled Re-envisioning the Italian Curriculum through Active Learning and Literacy discusses how the Italian faculty at Purdue implemented changes in the Italian Curriculum, making it more attractive to 21st century students and attuning it to the needs of the university as a whole. The article presents the administrative changes and innovative pedagogies (such as active learning, literacy, and intercultural competence training) that have had a positive impact on the growth of the Italian program at Purdue.

Link to the open access journal:



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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Mosca, A. (2021). Re-envisioning the Italian Curriculum through Active Learning and Literacy.

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